This post is reprinted from my National Internet Business Examiner blog.
The nonprofit organization USATogether.org was started by
This volunteer organization site announces:
And as Nancy Brown of YourMilitary.com and I learned during our May 19th BlogTalkRadio show interview of Dave Mahler, founder of USA Together, support by Americans across the country – strangers to the military personnel they help – means a great deal to these injured veterans.
Those of you who have been reading my posts here know that I’m a big believer in email marketing – capturing the email addresses of people who visit your Website so that you can send follow-up emails.
USATogether.org uses this Internet technology to ask its Website visitors to sign up for notifications of injured military personnel requests. You can get all the email notices or you can sign up to only receive specific area notices or specific category notices.
And, in my opinion, the best use of this technology is what USATogether is now doing – contacting all organizations that help U.S. military personnel and asking these organizations to sign up for the email alerts.
Thus, instead of injured military personnel trying to figure out which of all these organizations is the correct one to help with a particular need, an organization can get the email alerts and immediately reach out to those personnel who fit that organization’s criteria.
Injured military personnel and their families are certainly lucky that Dave Mahler, driving by his local VA Hospital, was moved to enter the grounds for the first time in 20 years and ask how he could help. The result is USATogether.org and its use of Internet marketing techniques to help our injured military personnel.
And, if USATogether.org can use email marketing for its amazing outreach program, surely you can consider using email marketing for your own Website.
P.S. Sign up at USATogether.org right now for email alerts and then listen to the 30-minute interview of Dave Mahler on www.YourMilitaryLife.com.
___Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of MRS. LIEUTENANT: A SHARON GOLD NOVEL and the co-author of the Jewish holiday book SEASONS FOR CELEBRATION. She also blogs as a National Internet Business Examiner and at Operation Support Jews in the Military and Fiction Marketing, and she is the co-host of the BlogTalkRadio show Your Military Life.
Her company Miller Mosaic LLC builds call-to-action websites that get people to say yes to your brand, book or business. Her newest project is the book/website project In Support of Our Troops.
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